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Custom jobs (how it should be done)


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What category does this suggestion apply to?:

server content


Details/Information about your suggestion:

I'm not actually asking you to add custom jobs. But if Orbital ends up going out of their way to include it in the future (given their recent decisions it seems quite likely) then I just want to make sure it goes down how I'd (and hopefully most of the playerbase) would want it to go. I'm am listing a collection of Restrictions that would come from buying yourself a custom job. I'm not going to argue how much they should be as long as it's enough to cover server maintenance and life requirements.


Restrictions are as follows:

  • Player models must be under a certain file-size in order to be accepted
  • Player models cannot contain lewd or socially discomforting models, such as anthropomorphic characters, historical figures, cartoons or futuristic robots, jobs need to fit into the aesthetic of the server and surroundings.
  • Jobs should not be allowed to spawn with any weapon the server offers given they have the money for it. Player's selection should be restricted to anything that is sold by the Gun Dealer or Black Market dealer. They also should not be allowed more then 2 weapons (given perma-weapons existence like Knifes and 367s). Base level armour should be fine to have as an option
  • Requests for a custom job should be handed and viewed by Orbital Staff & Roots and not automatically reviewed by any program. This is to avoid use of the system such as loopholes.
  • Custom jobs should stay accessible until the owner of said job has been offline for ever 2 months (2 months based off of current player pop + average absent times)
  • The buyer of a job should have the option of making the job public to use, given it is seen as "extra appropriate" for the server's roleplay experience, if so. The job can not be removed until it is untouched by any players for half of the 2 month period (1 month)

How do you think this will benefit the server?:

If Orbital ever truly decides to double down on their borrowing of premium mechanics. Having these restrictions will not only help differentiate the server from counterparts but will also make experiencing people with custom jobs more welcoming and not something that can take players out of the experience.


Alternatively, if the server's stability is not affected by the custom job system, Roots could host events that offer a custom job as a reward to incentivise competition, of course including the option to give it to someone else, in the event that the winner cannot take the custom job for whatever purpose.

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seems a bit too open

just play civilian and roleplay as another job

buy your own guns


having custom jobs seems too silly and could open lots of abuse and not be as fun as you reckon


more jobs sure, but custom ones that each player can have isn't a good idea

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seems a bit too open

just play civilian and roleplay as another job

buy your own guns


having custom jobs seems too silly and could open lots of abuse and not be as fun as you reckon


more jobs sure, but custom ones that each player can have isn't a good idea

It would be a bit chaotic if someone trolls a custom job past the admins and such, and causes issues by making the custom job public. However, this could be easily fixed as an owner should be responsible for what happens there. People abusing it can lose the privilege and the custom job with that would be destroyed. I think beyond staff approving such jobs that perhaps this could be something one could buy with donator credits, keeping the staff approval.


Also, the owner of the custom job should get to approve or deny anyone from joining it when they are publically listed. You would also want to streamline the demote process, to help custom job owners get rid of troublemakers.


Every job already has the potential to end up with problems that require a tweak to the rule. This same effort can be applied to the approval and destruction of custom jobs that come to exist.


How would RP relations work with these custom jobs?


Edit: added paragraph #2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Important part I think some people are missing; he isn't ASKING for custom jobs, just trying to prepare for if they DO implement them.


That being said I understand it's starting to get a bit desperate given the low playcount as of the last few months. But I am adamant that custom jobs will not be what revives the server. Not only is it something I believe AU offers (look at how many jobs they have it's ridiculous), it's been proven through previous updates that just adding new jobs doesn't attract and retain players.


Part of why people have left is because the gameplay has grown stale, and needs to be revised. I've tried to bear that in mind with my suggestions in the past, but a big problem is there isn't enough to do, and the jobs at the moment don't really interact that much. Police will obviously always interact with criminals through arrests & raids, but there's no player-job interaction beyond that.


This is getting to be a long response so i'll wrap it up quick, but creating a massive flow of potential new jobs might seem like an easy fix to Orbitals problems, but it will more than likely be the final nail in the coffin. The server needs some new, serious GAMEPLAY changes to balance both economy, and player experience/interaction. It will be hard work, but hard work is what it will take to get Orbital back to the Number 1 Australian DarkRP slot.

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