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AwsomeRAD staff app (re app)

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Discord User#:



RP Name:




14 (age exemption apro)


Do you have a working Microphone?:



What is your server time? (Post a screenshot):



What are your active days/times on the server?

Monday-Sunday except for Thursdays most of the time. I try to get 2 hours each day


How many warnings/blacklists/softbans do you have? (Post a screenshot):


Do you have any previous or current staff experience? (Provide examples):

Command team. In command team I can take discord tickets and help people as well as watch peoples behavior so I will be able to take disciplinary action on someone. I host and build events since I got event staff which means I would not be expected to abuse my powers.


Why do you believe that you deserve this staffing position?:

I think that I have done a good job as a PD command team member and want to help the server more as well as taking more work. I am ready for what ever staff brings me and am ready to learn anything else. I am open to positive feedback and will use it. I know all most all of the rules off by heart and try to help people if they don't. Since I am a trusted role that shows that most people who play do know me. I have low warns (I think other people said other wise) as I did start at the start of the year so all my warns were towards the fist time I played the game. My last warn was 3 months ago. I am very active in the discord community but it is mainly the PD server for now.


Explain your ability to work as a team (Using examples):

In my last app I said I was bad at speaking up for myself but I have worked on that. Like when I do my PD events I do take control of the situation at the event and make sure people listen. I listen for what people have to say and try to get everyone heard. If no one takes control I will and try to get everyone involved or help them work with me.


What qualities will you bring to the staff team?:

Hard working passionate person. I try to be as kind as I can and as friendly as I can. I try not to be annoying as much (I hope) as a lot of people said I was annoying but I hope its not for my voice. I would never be bias towards anyone in a sit. I have always wanted to be staff and I think that it brings a good vibe to server.


Do you agree not to abuse or misuse the powers given to moderate the server?:



Do you agree that your powers will be stripped completely if misused?:



Do you agree to follow the Staff Expectations once given?:




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I have seen you pretty active on the server and in the discord, although your forums activity is pretty low. Would have been nice if you spoke about yourself outside of PD, but it still shows you are trusted within the PD community with the commander role.

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When given perms you have used them in the correct way to the letter. Your application effectively shows a few reasons as to why you should be a staff member. I am willing to +1 you and give you a chance at becoming one. You have an age exemption and I will trust Arpo's judgment on this one. In any other case, I would not give a +1 based on the fact that 14 on average is still too immature to be a good staff member. I wish you good luck with your interview should you manage to get one.





Fetus Milkshake

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Having known and understood the capacity of awesomeRAD ability to admin even though the warns are still concerning I believe you have a shot at becoming a staff member as you have demonstrated using your admin ability when helping out with jenin event creation to not abuse or be a Minge


however even though you are 14 with the exception of arpo (might want to double check if that exception is still vaild since arpo is no long staff) see that I would vote this down due to the immaturity


Due to your actions on demonstrating the importance of handling admin in helping jenin I would again vote +1 but with the condition that you have someone watch over you for the first few weeks that's if you get accepted of course


But nevertheless good luck on this application

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I'm sorry to give you this but as of right now the staff team is not in need of any staff members (not my opinion) but in the future if there ever is a opening ill happily give you a +1 as you are a well behaved player and your command experience does give you a good gateway into quickly learning how to staff but as of right now it will be a -1.


Good Luck,

- John Kevin

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey AwesomeRad 👋

First off to start with great application you make a really great case towards your abilities as a staff member.


However given the current staff count and our average player population we currently aren't looking for any more staff members.


That being said if our situation changes given the positive feedback from the community and your excellent staff related experiences. Id be happy to privately contact you about any openings in the team, in the future!


Have a great day!

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Hey AwesomeRad 👋

First off to start with great application you make a really great case towards your abilities as a staff member.


However given the current staff count and our average player population we currently aren't looking for any more staff members.


That being said if our situation changes given the positive feedback from the community and your excellent staff related experiences. Id be happy to privately contact you about any openings in the team, in the future!


Have a great day!

-rep for improper feedback

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