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Tori's Staff App


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Steam Community link- https://steamcommunity.com/id/ToriAlex/

Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:39405694

Discord User- Torii#5604

Rp Name- Tori

Age- 19

Country/Time Zone- Australia, AEST

Working Microphone- Yes, I certainly do

Game Time-


Warns/Blacklists/Bans/Softbans- warnsx2.thumb.jpg.5862da4f63ab4ff6fa0493a02f6623dd.jpg

Previous staff experience- Yes, that one week stint I was trial mod months ago.


Why do I think I should get staff?- Other than the fact you're asking for more staff. I've Been with this server since weeks after it's initial launch as iconic, and during it's merger into Orbital. I stuck with this community through thick and thin. Up until my Ban in December, where I took a long break and now I'm back and wanting to do more for this community than I did before. I see staffing as my way to do that.


My Ability to work as a team- I've recently Re-joined PD command as a Swat commander and I've already made positive impacts on all of the command team. Along with that in my irl workplace I tend to be the one who leads and helps my fellow employees (even without having a manager position) I have good communications skills and I treat Everyone I meet with the utmost respect, Unless they do something that doesn't deserve of such respect.


Qualities I will bring to the staff team- As I already mentioned, my good communication skills, as well as a dedicated individual who's willing to jump on at any time if required to (within reason), I also large portion of the staff team already and get along well with those I know, (Pharam, Howard, Terra). I would really appreciate another opportunity at staff after my first time went so poorly.


Do I agree not to abuse or misuse the powers given to me?- Yes, Howard would smack my cheeks painfully otherwise

Do I agree that my powers will be stripped completely if misused?- Yes I agree 100%

Do I agree to follow staff expectations once given?- Yes I agree to follow all expectations, just as I would follow PD command expectations

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Tori is a long time player with extensive knowledge of the rules, also only having 3 warns racked up since the start of you playing really proves how much you care for the servers rules. With you being a commander for the PD there is no doubt you know how to work well with a team. You hold youself well during sits and remain professional,you are also a friendly player who always brightens the mood around you. I see no reason for you to not become a staff member

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App is quite short but Tori definitely meets the requirements of a great staff member. Mature, rule following, well liked and active. throughout the community. Tori excels in all of these qualities. Tori has shown on many occasions that he is capable of staff.

Good Luck Tori!

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Tori has been a part of this community for ages. The 2 weeks of playtime with only 3 warns is outstanding. They are a chill, laid-back, and mature player. While the app is quite short, I still wholeheartedly believe he deserves a spot on the staff team.

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Tori is a great applicant for a position like this, I wont go into negatives of the application as they have already been covered. Chill person overall and has experience with working in a team. Good luck



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I'm gonna be honest I barely glanced at your application.

That's because I know your an excellent fit for the staff team.

Your 1mo ban I've strongly felt was undeserved considering the context therefore I do not question your integrity.


As a mark of quality id like to share a story about Tori that would demonstrate his ability to lead;


When I first started playing Orbital I was a righteous cunt and a massive minge, Tori recognized this straight away and saw through my façade almost immediately. Through my usual bullshittery i earnt myself a demotion in the PD to which i decided to make a massive drama.


I exploited and highlighted every little loophole in an attempt to embarrass and belittle PD High Command and yet Tori remained completely composed and professional (Unlike his colleague Neddy).


The end result was i got my demotion revoked, and much to the disdain of PD High Command, in saying that Tori bit the bullet and issued me a formal apology.

Moving forward Tori welcomed me into PD command with open arms and I like to believe we have become good friends.


Major +1

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