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mr_scourge Ban Appeal

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Your SteamID (Paste your Steam Profile Link into https://steamrep.com/): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020621539



In-game name: Osama Bin Hussein


Time and date of ban (Use timezone): 3:02PM Sydney Time


Name of the Staff Member that banned you: ryl


Further details: I've been wrongly banned and mistaken for someone else, during this time I was in class as I had a free period trying to get my voice chat to work where I was standing next to spawn when a guy came in throwing around racial slurs and me being unable to say anything was accused of racist comments which I literally could not have even broadcasted as I was in the middle of a classroom. I then killed the guy throwing racial slurs around because ryl just stood there and muted me even though I said nothing as the other two people who actually said it accused me, you can check chat logs if possible during this time where I tried to communicate where I was ignored and then banned for literally no reason.


Any evidence you can provide:


Have you become familiar with the rules?: Yes

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I confirm that I heard racial slurs coming out from both your and joodisded person's mouth. I had this incident recorded but unfortunately the software bugged out and there was no sound recorded. I have posted what I have below of the exact moment.



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I confirm that I heard racial slurs coming out from both your and joodisded person's mouth. I had this incident recorded but unfortunately the software bugged out and there was no sound recorded. I have posted what I have below of the exact moment.



Ok your "irrefutable evidence" you've provided is invalid, your input is the same as mine as it is literally my word against yours because your audio just so happened to magically stop working the moment this took place. Also pretty sure having you review this is a conflict of interest seeing as you are the same person who banned me without any real evidence to show other than a video where the audio just so happened to inconveniently cut out. How about you check and post the chat logs and show the part you refused to show where I outright told you it wasn't me and you voice muted the wrong person. From one admin to another I'd suggest you don't fake evidence because you aren't fucked to unban someone who didn't do anything wrong because it typically ends with you losing your role and most likely getting a long SB.

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