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Augustus' Blacklist Appeal


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Your SteamID (Paste your Steam Profile Link into https://steamrep.com/): https://steamcommunity.com/id/SolvanOTG


In-game name: Augustus


Time and date of ban (Use timezone): 10/09/2022 | Time around 8:00PM


Name of the Staff Member that banned you: Andrew Tate - very good admin, nice guy, fair guy, 10/10 experience promote him for server prosperity.


Further details: I'm very sorry, l didn't mean to kill the guy through RDM! I thought l had a hit on him considering it was red above his name and killed him without looking closely enough. I know what l did was wrong! Please forgive me and possibly remove the damage ban so l can resume my roleplay. Thank you for reading my message,


Any evidence you can provide: No evidence is required for the situation.


Have you become familiar with the rules?: Yes l read a lot.

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Augustus man I know you, you are a really nice guy and I didn't want to give you the punishment but you did break the rule and I am required to give out a punishment however the higher up staff team allows for me to maybe be more reasonable with the punishments and I was.


I am sorry that I warned you but this is a lesson to learn if you have learned your lesson you will know better than to RDM okay, Have a Wonderful Day.


-Andrew Tate

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m required to give out a pu

Augustus man I know you, you are a really nice guy and I didn't want to give you the punishment but you did break the rule and I am required to give out a punishment however the higher up staff team allows for me to maybe be more reasonable with the punishments and I was.


I am sorry that I warned you but this is a lesson to learn if you have learned your lesson you will know better than to RDM okay, Have a Wonderful Day.


-Andrew Tate

Thank you for the quick reply sir.

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While you have admitted to the mistake of accidentally killing a player, you should have double-checked to start with. As a hitman, there are multiple things telling you whether or not someone has a hit on them.


You have a long history of warns indicating that you have very low knowledge of the rules, it's hard to say if it was intentional or not.


Your blacklist has roughly 3 hours left until its over, take that time to read over the rules to avoid mistakes like this in the future.


Next time you do accidentally stab someone ensure you do a /yell crossfire/missclick and/or clip it so you have evidence to back yourself up if dragged into a sit or you make an appeal.


Your blacklist and warn will remain.


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