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Ryan Moon

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  1. Steam Community Link: (Not sure what that is, here's my profile page though) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018204138/ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28969205 Discord User#: MoonBurner#9749 Your in-game name: Ryan Moon What is your gametime? (Post a screenshot): One week. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fif0bziyjfhdfbs/Playtime.png?dl=0 How many warnings do you have? (Post a screenshot): None. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyhv4o2sz397n16/Warns.png?dl=0 How many Softbans/Blacklists do you have? (Post a screenshot): None. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pyhv4o2sz397n16/Warns.png?dl=0 Why do you believe that you deserve Trusted? I think that anyone who can get to one week without a warn, can certainly be trusted to keep that record going. Explain how you can help the community with your Trusted rank? No differently that I have been already. By being an example of good roleplay. If someone has an OOC question, answer it - particularly if it's about the rules. If it's about building and they want help, recommend they watch a tutorial (ain't nobody got time for that). If you see rulebreaking, report it. If it's a cop, report it to the PD discord. Are you familiar with our rules and guidelines? Yes. Though I'm pretty sure they're all 'rules' and none are guidelines. Do you agree that your rank will be stripped completely if misused?: Naturally. Do you agree to not abuse any powers that are given to you with this rank? I won't abuse any trust placed in me if I can avoid it. I'm not too sure what these 'powers' might be.
  2. That is the point I'm making. As it stands, that would be the correct response. The purpose of this thread is to posit that a change should be made to account for self defence (where it can be clearly seen to be self-defence), or lethal defence of a base after being fired upon.
  3. And more complex encounters than 'we don't know who shot first?' as a reason for not doing so? What of defending the bank as guard or banker, with police assisting? Both sides trading fire, still legal for guard and banker. Bank is successfully defended, but oh no! A guard managed to kill a raider in the defence. Guess he gets to go to jail now, a cop saw him do it!
  4. As the in game laws currently stand, if a hitman begins shooting someone in the street, and the victim responds by pulling their own legal 1h pistol and successfully defends themselves by killing the hitman, they may now be /wanted for murder by any police that witnessed the event. If you defend your home in a raid (again with legal weapons), and kill the raider that is currently shooting at you, does the same occur? It could even be argued that bankers may not lethally defend the bank from a raid, despite it being a circumstance where they are directly aligned with government. Consider this: 1h weapons are legal, 1h open carry might or might not be legal, but using your legal weapons to defend yourself will either lead to your death, if you fail, or your arrest if you succeed (and are witnessed by police). Why then are weapons legal at all? What other purpose does making a weapon legal serve? If you shoot at your assailant but do not kill them, and flee? Are you then /wanted for shooting in public? Are we meant to just try and scare them off by pulling out a gun, and doing nothing with it? Using this logic, one should only ever use /000 when they are raided if they do not at all plan on engaging the raiders themselves, lest the police be the next assailants. I feel that this is an oversight that - to a certain degree - takes something away from the RP rather than benefiting it. I've included a link to a clip that shows the first example mentioned in this post. Though the recording lacks my own mic input, there is enough context to understand the events. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c9edhvzbv7j39s2/Defence%20example.mp4?dl=0
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