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  1. Category: DarkRP Details/Info: Customizable Weaponry 2.0 is a firearms addon that I've seen in many-a successful server, so there are references. Customizable Weaponry 2.0 is an (in my opinion) undeniably superior addon to any other I've seen used and some of the BEST DarkRP experiences I and many others have had seem to have directly stemmed from the addition of this Addon. Features: - Dynamic recoil and accuracy - Custom viewmodel movement - Surface ricochet and penetration - Firemodes - Weapon holstering on weapon change - Optional free-aim - Inability to fire weapon when in water/climbing a ladder - Weapons Designed for both singleplayer and multiplayer - High weapon customization value - Ability to adjust position of sights - Weapon chambering - Optional blur effects when reloading/aiming/customizing - Ability to turn on simple telescopics and toggle the crosshair - Attachment preset system - Quick grenades - A very flexible, easy to use and modular plug-in system for developers - Heavy weapons slightly slow you down - Custom optional HUD elements for displaying health and ammo (Spawn Menu > Utilities > CW 2.0 > Client) The weapon models and animations are among the best I've seen from Garry's Mod and skyrocket immersion and enjoyability levels. Benefits to Community: Generally, I think an addon that gives players more control over their roleplay experience while maintaining a level of fun and light-heartedness that is expected from a DarkRP server (not HARDCORE, realistic roleplay) is a must-have, this mod is no exception. Every DarkRP server that's featured this mod has soared miles higher than it's competition in terms of player-count and it especially affects the flow of the server and helps maintain a non-toxic experience. If you have any issues with the addons, there are tons of third party addons for CW 2.0 that allow you to customize it as you see fit. There are also TONS of third party addons that add even more weapons than what is already present in Customizable Weaponry 2.0 and Extra Customizable Weaponry 2.0. I believe there is also already a version made for DarkRP. Links: CW 2.0, Extra CW 2.0 I hope I've provided enough info for the server to consider implementing this addon! Cheers, Everyone Waffle.
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