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Dr Smith

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Dr Smith last won the day on February 11 2023

Dr Smith had the most liked content!

Dr Smith's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. this is indeed, truly sad. Seems so sudden aswell is Wallaby moving to a new server or just ditching?
  2. +1 DJ has all the right qualities for command team and is well respected among the community.
  3. +1 Brad is a highly active member of the community with a solid understanding of the ruls and a friendly personality. He hosts frequent PD events as a member of the command team and is effective in communicating and coordinating players. Giving Brad staff will allow smoother flow of PD events and add another excellent enforcer of the rules to orbital.
  4. -1 as someone who supposedly has been part of the community for 2 years i would expect you to have gone a little while without receiving any warns however it is apparent you received an rdm warn on the first and the amount of rdm warns is ridiculous implying to me you either don't care about the rules or arn't mature enough to follow them. trusted is a sign that you are a voice of sensibility in the server, get a clean record for a couple weeks and then reapply.
  5. +1 i don't know you or at least don't remember interacting with you at all, however i feel that what others are saying about requirement for trusted is unfair. People have different personalities and if cozzah just likes to keep to himself then he should be able to. He's received no warns and has stated that he is keen on wiremod and building which is great. Trusted shouldn't be this great thing where everyone has to know you but it should be a title that shows you understand the rules and have earnt the privellage of extended features such as wiremod. He also reportedly has staffing experience and quite a few hours on gmod which leads me to believe he is a well informed individual that checks up on the rules before doing something drastic.
  6. tbh id probably +1 you. i don't particularly like you that much because ive seen you say cringe stuff in ooc countless times and i think you are propably on the mingier side but never the less you have shown great activity and commitment to the server and besides making racist remarks on the 27th you've gone a fair while without a warn. its a tough call, it would have been much easier to plus one you if you had waited a week or 2 before making this app going clean without any more warns.
  7. +1, its about time Grawburg. Nicks pretty cool and he's got no warns for quite a long time despite his high activity on forums and the dark rp server. Nick does a very well job commanding as a commissioner and would make an excellent addition to the staff team.
  8. -1 not enough playtime, recognised poorly, recent warns, low effort app (propably more words in the template then in your answers).
  9. Dr Smith

    PC Specs

    nice specs guys, but that's nothing. CPU: Core i7-4720HQ GPU: GTX960m 2GB Ram: 16gb DDR4 SSD: samsung 860 EVO 2.5 sata 500gb old second hand busted gaming laptop with missing keys and doesn't work unless plugged in: True
  10. +1 tony is a bloody legend and has high play time with low warns. Regarless of his recent activty he has shown 4 weeks of commitment which has surely familiarised him with the rules and guidelines. big + 1 for mr big penis.
  11. Steam Community Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198845849312/ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:442791792 Discord User#: Cosmic#9457 Your in-game name: Dr Smith What is your gametime? (Post a screenshot): How many warnings do you have? (Post a screenshot): 2 warns latest warn, last being on the 4th of January. How many Softbans/Blacklists do you have? (Post a screenshot): None and no active warns Why do you believe that you deserve Trusted? The Trusted role is a role reserved for players that have proved that not only are they committed to the server with sufficient game time but also that they are familiar with the rules and guidelines that govern player activity. I almost have 6 days of game time and i am very familiar with the rules. I also believe i am fairly well known to players on the server but the validity of this application should not be largely respective to how well you know me considering the trusted rank is a sign of experience and familiarity with the rules, not a sign of recognition. Explain how you can help the community with your Trusted rank? I don't intend to do anything spectacular with the trusted rank. I am a highschool student with a life so ill mainly just be playing around with wiremod and the few extra roles available. One doesn't need the trusted rank to be a role model within the server they simply need the right attitude. With trusted ill be able to make base dupes and add wiremod make dmg detectors and alot of cool things. Its possible that with the added features i receive i will be able to output more diverse and interesting content on the server where most do not have this role. Some may say that this application is too short with not enough effort, however i believe it is precise and concise and answers all the required criteria effectively. Are you familiar with our rules and guidelines? yessir Do you agree that your rank will be stripped completely if misused?: oh for sure Do you agree to not abuse any powers that are given to you with this rank? totally
  12. Steam Community Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198845849312/ SteamID: STEAM_0:0:442791792 Discord User#: Cosmic#9457 Your in-game name: Dr Smith What is your gametime? (Post a screenshot): How many warnings do you have? (Post a screenshot): Used to have at least a week of playtime on the old supremacy server with much more warns and the same rules and dark rp concept. Stopped playing gmod like a year ago or whenether supremacy shutdown so i was a little rusty with the rules for past few days. my old user was Willson Jeffreys if that rings any bells. How many Softbans/Blacklists do you have? (Post a screenshot): None Why do you believe that you deserve Trusted? I am familiar with most of the rules, obviously i haven't played every role yet but i always make sure to check up on rules before making decisions with a new job. e.g the other day i went mob boss but read up on the mugging rules and that i need at least 2 goons to do raids and such. Also think im reasonably chill, try to not be too toxic. Explain how you can help the community with your Trusted rank? With trusted role i can lead by example and give advice and pointers to noobies. i think ill be reasonably active these holidays so hopefully people will get to know me better. Once i get trusted illb be able to mess around with dupes and wiremod whihh is the main reason i want it. Very interested in software engineering and wiremod looks really fun t o learn because you can make complex systems with it. Once I get trutsed ill propably make base dupes, machines and gang checkpoints. Are you familiar with our rules and guidelines? yes. before playing a new role i read up on all the rules. Do you agree that your rank will be stripped completely if misused?: yes. Do you agree to not abuse any powers that are given to you with this rank? no i mean no i mean no, n- nn-, yes.
  13. +1 Nick is a chill dawg. Likes to give a soft hum while im screaming for help during an arrest which is funny af, also hes op in shoot outs practically solod my gang last night.
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