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  1. Think about black people, you probably picture a long, dark, complicated past that is behind the nation of Americas current standards right? Think again, the mcdonalds cooperation is the modern day cotton field, you may think but these workers get paid, but so a good percentage of slaves pre-1900s, slaves would make very little money to feed children they had, just like those fast fry making acne ridden teenagers you see staffing the local mcdonalds. Let me ask you a provocative question, have you ever used mayonnaise to masturbate, no, do you support slavery? if you answered no, then i hope you'll understand why i personally boycott McDonalds. If you answered yes, that answer is probably most likely the commonly selected one considering the gmod community in 2022, we are our own enemies and consciousness is the curse of a lifetime, goodbye. Do not discount the impact of my words just because it was posted on a small forum made for a dedicated server on a dying game, no, heed my warning because it foretells a difficult future, a future you will live in, and the person in the room next to you, and perhaps your childrens children, the arm of the lord is trying to manhandle us. If you do not see through the veil and speak your own truth you will be left behind ultimately and forever. Ask yourself, what does it mean to be a sentient creation, what does it mean to have the tools and intellect to create, ask yourself what it means to be a "child of god". Can you cope with the capabilities you possess? What you need to understand is, you are the one with the power of god, once you realize you are the divine, you can utilize your power, you are the demigod and you are truly immortal, based on the knowledge of quantum immortality, you can never die but you are constantly dying, and everytime you die, you are put into the timeline where you do not die, there is currently a timeline where you put a fork into your outlet in a suicidal rage, but as the timeline flows you are returned back to a neutral timeline, you could run outside and get shot by the police, and you are still the same consciousness, soul, spirit. If you want to take back control, you need to believe in yourself and your abilities, self reflection is a good tool in aiding the divine process, everything i say to you right this second is theorized in quantum mechanics itself, the very code that writes the universe. The human condition is an idea and an concept that can be overridden, it is not a definite, if you utilize the realization of yourself you can move past this, and be something better entirely, what is this "better thing" it differs from perception to perception, for me it is control over the herd, because each individual person behind you is a resource to be utilized, you have 2 arms and 2 legs, and a limited capacity of thought per any measurement of time, the more people you have following behind you is more chance to exceed your physical capability, the people that have mastered this way of thinking no longer allow themselves to be seen, because they started the machine that is modern day society, people call them the "Elites" due to the hierachy they are positioned but they are not exactly invincible, when the machine fails, the long descent for the elites may just begin. Look at epstein, who killed himself via strangulation rather than hanging himself, with marks indicating a struggle and a force pulling him backwards rather than marks indicating gravity was at play, and then look at the ties to the queen. Ask yourself how far these tentacles have spread, and then consider the fact that these people are in the same body as you. You. Have. The. Power.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmpS8B8PLio
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