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clarance anderson

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. is the export button in the marketplace broken
  2. How long does it take for the dealers price to change in the mines
  3. What is the difference of thief and pro thief like what does it add
  4. I think the splicer should be added back to the game because a lot of people have never used it and I think it would add another thing to use as glorified gardener
  5. How much money did you have when it was at 20k
  6. Why do doors cost so much now they were like 200 now they are like 3000
  7. I was wondering when the server resets, I think it resets at like 6 but im not sure
  8. How do I be more active on the forums and discord like where do I interact and socialise
  9. Steam Community Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199162948211/ SteamID: 76561199162948211 Discord User#: Max#6965 Your in-game name: clarance anderson What is your gametime? (Post a screenshot): How many warnings do you have? (Post a screenshot):How many Softbans/Blacklists do you have? (Post a screenshot): idk the screen shot shows it Why do you believe that you deserve Trusted? Yes i think clarance anderson has earned trusted because i will helping to people if they need anything Explain how you can help the community with your Trusted rank? i will be nice and help make the community better and bigger Are you familiar with our rules and guidelines? yes i know most of them Do you agree that your rank will be stripped completely if misused?: yes i know if i abuse it, it will be taken Do you agree to not abuse any powers that are given to you with this rank? yes clarance anderson agree
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