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Cappa last won the day on August 31 2021

Cappa had the most liked content!

Cappa's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away
  2. No interaction with you what so ever, however your age and previous experience is a creditable source of reputation for your application. I think the server could use a stern, knowledgeable admin to tutor the current staff as well as be a good role-model for the younger players. Hope to see you on sometime. +1
  3. Cappa

    Gym Split

    I play basketball, semi-professionally. I run gym everyday, whole body. Then move to the courts to get shots up. That's basically it. I need to get into dieting though because I am at the point where I am as defined as I can get, but not putting on the weight I want.
  4. In 48 minutes, with 10 pots, and no fertilizer, using dark devil, you get 65k. With the best percentage Jerome, (best I've seen is 24%) you're making 76k-80k. 80000/48 is 1666.67 dollars per minute, best case scenario. Increasing jars seems pointless minus those who want to actually smoke it.
  5. Literally the exact same, however 8 buildings have been changed (including the cave).
  6. I see. I too have had a busy few weeks.
  7. Best idea, make a ban appeal man.
  8. To clear this up. I handed my feedback to Bluee in DMs. More so, as a leader in the group I condemn the act of boosting an application. As much as I would like to remain neutral and leave feedback alone, I cannot.
  9. One of my most trusted members. +1.
  10. Their content is very entertaining, I do like their videos and their effort, however you cannot ignore the shady shit they must do behind the scenes.
  11. I love nelk. Nelk would never betray their audience. *laughs in roobet*
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