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Bob King

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Bob King last won the day on September 18 2021

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About Bob King

  • Birthday 09/11/2001

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. +1 Love the guy, plus I mean it obviously says something if he's trying for the third time. I don't honestly see the issue, plus he's obviously had experience. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle getting him retrained. After further reflecting, I think Lachie would be a prime example of proper staff material.
  2. -1 You're a great friend and I've known you for a while on the server, but I personally don't think you're old/mature enough for staff. In-game I'd say you're pretty alright, you can be a bit mingy and annoying at times when I'm making drugs, (grav-gunning equipment, placing props over my building whilst I'm building). It's also worth mentioning that you've advertised your application several times I don't know how you perform within the PD aspect of the game so I can't comment on that. I'm pretty reluctant to post this reply, but hopefully, it'll help you improve. Top Text Bottom Text Credit to Dallas Steel for the media.
  3. -1 I haven't been all too active either because of the mines, but your application doesn't have nearly enough detail compared to other applications. Your playtime is also very minimal. Nevertheless, hope to see you around mate and hope you can pump those numbers and word count up!! Best of luck!
  4. Bob King


    Hey mate, I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest, if you could clarify a bit it'd be super helpful
  5. +1 I don't think it's fair to bring up the exploiting situation. Please keep in mind what he's done prior to the exploit. He's made some amazing builds that have an embedded atmosphere that you can't find from other builds usually. I was involved in the situation, I tested if it worked and was on a call with them as it was happening, it's human nature to want to one-up your situation, and as Lui stated, he barely participated in it. Another player I won't name was the huge anchor in what was happening and as a result, others got dragged down along with him. I've done the exploit, and I've received trusted afterwards especially after management knowing I was involved. You're entirely welcome to judge from the perspective of: "He exploited, I don't trust him", but if you dig deeper you'll uncover he's an amazing bloke and the situation was very complicated. As a result of the exploit, he lost more money than he gained (which was nothing, as the response time was very quick), and I could tell it hit hard. I was honestly surprised he came back because he's essentially played with a blacklist and dealt with the consequences for a while, which shows his love towards the community. He's an active member in the community and he's offered his services all the time within the server, an example of someone utilising their skills and garnering enough trust to where he makes money off of building for others. If he messes up again, the simple solution is to just permanently ban him. People change, you live and you learn. Thanks to whoever read my reply, Gretta is a good bloke and I hope he gets the chance to redeem himself.
  6. oryza sativa moment -1 knife already op i am unequivocally flabbergasted at this post and my mere existence
  7. hey man can you show me your boob?
  8. Bob King

    Map ideas

    Thank you for formatting this <3 1. It's definitely isolated, and a lot of the roleplay happens deep within Main St. with a few offshoot bases in nearby areas. 2. This is somewhat true, there isn't much I can say on this.. 3. From what I've heard, I'm pretty sure something is underway regarding the sewers. It should hopefully have more depth and cover more of the map. (It's quite weird not being able to access it from residential, but it'll involve a lot of work). 4. I've never played PD, but the rooms do seem a bit isolated and a portion of the PD appears to look unused (unsure still). I feel like the rooms would be very circumstantial in how they're used and really aren't intended for general use. Rather, they'd be used for specific roleplay scenarios. @keenu is the full-time map-making slave, so if you have any suggestions, possibly hit him up. Good suggestions though +1
  9. +1 I've spent a lot of my roleplay time with you, so this may be a bit biased. He's one of the few VERY invested people in the server and community. He doesn't interact too too much on the forums, but nor do I since it's dead half the time. I see him on the discord voice chat daily and interact in the text chat. In my opinion, he's staff material. On another note, I'd turn gay for Ivan Milat.
  10. Hi Pressed! As others have stated, you've been persistent, I've seen you a LOT throughout the server and I can confidently give you a +1.
  11. I'll be honest, I've wanted something like this for a while now. In terms of implementing this, I don't know if it'll be an easy task, but they do have things like crowbars and pimp slap that are character based. I think people may get concerned about an advantage over other players, which is fair it's self... But things like donator give you more of an advantage. I know that a lot of the add-ons in the server have cut features, you could have job specific upgrades aswell. Mining upgrades Weed upgrades, (higher maximum THC, new seeds) Moonshine upgrades Player-specific upgrades Some sort of prestige-like system would be more encouraging for players. It needs to be implemented carefully and fairly for everyone. +1
  12. I think I saw your design last night if I'm not wrong? It's a great idea, but as Tuppy stated, building isn't allowed in the mines. I heard from someone that some of the content is cut from the original addon.. It COULD be possible, but at the moment you just need to do the work manually. Good luck mate
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