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Birdi Elhert

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Birdi Elhert's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. All my homies love mythic gears :oops:
  2. would you give me your dog for galil dark matter?
  3. +1 a few warns but never had a bad interaction with you
  4. +1 Not many warns and a great person to play with GOOD LUCK!
  5. +1 He frequently plays, very active on the discord although could be more on the forums, enjoyable person to be around and he is an overall good fit for trusted GOOD LUCK!
  6. +1 Well known member and deserving of trusted GOOD LUCK!
  7. Glitch smells like pizza!🍕
  8. Why is the globe unbolted? :oops:
  9. +1 I think you deserve commissioner maybe commander or even staff
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