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Autumn Briggs

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Autumn Briggs last won the day on July 10 2021

Autumn Briggs had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Autumn Briggs

  • Birthday 09/11/2001

Autumn Briggs's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. DENIED Due to receiving a warning during the application process. Please re-apply in 1 week.
  2. Anyone who does not answer "Autumn Briggs" will be in big trouble.
  3. It really depends where you sell, Melbourne for example, if you go to areas like Cragieburn, Broadmeadows, Frankston etc. you are likely to find a lot of buyers very quickly and can rip them off whilst cutting your product to maximise profits. I like to approach them as if I have the best quality gear, charge maybe $30 a point and then quickly speed off while they do their business so they can't locate me later (they're junkies lol)
  4. DENIED Applicant does not meet minimum 2 day in-game playtime. Re-apply in 1 week when you (hopefully) have over 2 days! Thanks mate
  5. +1 Ive seen you a lot on the server and you always seem to be having a great time and consistently influencing others to be in that same boat. Really good application and I think your listed qualities are exactly what you'd need to see in a staff member. Best of luck brother
  6. DENIED Applicant reapplied in 7 hours rather than waiting a week Please don't do this again or there will be repercussions xx
  7. DENIED Negative support from the community Player received a warn during the application Have a look at the feedback people have provided you and make sure to follow the rules closer Re-apply in 1 week
  8. +1 Hey cowboy, I see you active in all parts of our community which is a great sign, I see you all the time in game whether it be doing some great roleplay or helping out others who are struggling a bit. Seem like good staff material to me, best of luck.
  9. sounds similar to my life and i could probably teach algebra
  10. Autumn Briggs


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  11. ACCEPTED Please message one of the Enforcers below to receive your in-game and Discord rank. TerrA | TerrA#1133 Autumn Briggs | Watto#9422 Fisckii | fisckii#0498
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